The Vortex, September 2024 – Glasgow Saves Games: Scaled-Down Commonwealths To Return To Scotland In 2026

2024-09-17 Reading Time: < 1 minute
Hannah Miley
Hannah Miley swims in a sea of swimming honours - photo by Euan Duff, Duff Company Productions

The Vortex is SOS’ digest and soak of swimming news, views and links to noteworthy mainstream media coverage of the sport as the Paris 2024 Olympic Games approach; additions to the file made most days and collated in one monthly file.

After a post-Games pause and period of preparation for a new chapter for State of Swimming, we resume the Vortex monthly digest today. The Vortex is available as part of our offer of free content to those who register as readers with us simply by leaving an email. Subscriptions are also available for those who wish to support out work.

Our work can be found at State of Swimming + for the foreseeable future as we make changes to the site needed to accommodate future plans.

Thank you, readers, for your understanding. Craig Lord

In the Vortex in September:

Glasgow steps in to save Commonwealth Games; 7 enter race for IOC presidency – and the podcast where I explain why former swim ace Kirsty Coventry would be the wrong choice; anti-doping schism deepens over Cottier conclusion on China 23-go-free saga – USADA’s statement in full, summing up skepticism held far and wide.

Coming soon:

Paris 2024 in the rear-view … starting with… Ireland
The China Diaries – why WADA is on the wrong foot and has overlooked the stark lessons of the 1990s from a time when the global regulator was founded.

State of Swimming +

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